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22日- 我們起身前往女子修道院,最古老的女子修道院,法國歐式城堡庭園風(簡介寫的! 呵)


之後來到五陵廓城跡,Jennifer 夢寐以求的好所在! 哈 

如果這座雕像是按1:1等比下去做的話,或許真的可以考慮一下! 呵

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其實還賦予這次旅行另一個意義! 哈 u know that!!!
想說來個截然不同的風格,又帶了一堆裙,妄想萬分之一的可能性可以實現! 呵






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美國當地時間: 2009.8.26
在離開飯店,踏上接駁巴士的前一刻,我和要飛往 LA 的其他人都很感傷
但是...等到真的拉著行李,走出飯店門口的那片地毯,才會意到...  我們真的要跟他們離開~
我和其他人一樣,在踏出飯店門口的前一刻,又轉身跑去再抱日本人一次- 特別是我的室友-
簡直就跟電影上演的一模一樣,又哭得更凶了!  說真的~ 很感動!  就連現在,敘述這些事情的時候,心裡還是會有溫暖的感覺- 那時候的不捨- 下意識地抽噎-
這種感情...  應該是種「革命情感」吧?!  因為我們相處的時間不長,但是當時的感情卻很深- 


當我們坐上飛機,前往LA時,我也有偷哭,結果被空服員發現,還好心地問說:你還好嗎? 需不需要喝杯水-

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有人說要穿 bikini 在裡面,外面套著Stanford的大學服-
一聽到時候有點不安,因為本人沒有 bikini 這種玩意兒,就算有也不可能穿出去見人
所以後來就跟她們說我沒有,結果 Sharon 很好心地說,沒關係她有兩套,一件可以借我
噢... 晴天霹靂...  之後你就可以看到一群女生,穿著 BIKINI 在宿舍的走廊上跑來跑去,然後在房間內展示她們傲人身材...
看著看著我都不知不覺地低下頭,搖搖頭,唉聲嘆氣,一直說 かわいそうだ


一直到下午,坐著 Ben 和他弟弟開的 Van,到了海邊

沒想到...  蝦米! 沒有!  OMG!

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     In this summer, I’m lucky enough to join this program. At first, I didn’t expect to get the useful things during this trip. I just think that maybe I could improve my communication skill through AUSL. I didn’t have the hope that I can get some intimate friends in this program. After all, it’s too short for making good friends within one month. However, things happened out of my anticipation.


     When the first time I saw the information about this program, I was attracted by the fame of Stanford University. It is written that we can have the chance to live the dormitory of Stanford and we also get the opportunity to meet the students from Stanford. I was glad to receive the mail and get to know this program. Then, as I started to fill out the application and answered the questions which the program required knowing, I was confused and scared. Because this program is more about service such as serving people, and I’m not sure whether this is the best decision for me to make or not. Next, I just think that if I can pass through the interview, then I’ll go. The interview was holding very smoothly, and I got passed.


     And then, when I got home, I told my mom this good news and she’s really happy for me. But things didn’t go successfully as I had imagined. When my mom knew how much this program is going to cost, she’s surprised. After that, she kept asking me that why I want to spend so much money to do the service abroad. And I stood still; I can’t say anything when she asked me this question. I didn’t have the good reason to answer her back, because I just chose this program out of my psychology of trying. I was curious about this program. And I had never done these things before like serving people neither environment. I just want to experience some new things. And I try to tell my mom about what I was thinking, but it seems that she didn’t get it at that time. Anyway, she just let me go at the end.


     Actually, before we headed for the U.S., we had several pre-program activities and an orientation. Those are good opportunities for us to get to know each other including coordinator. At first, I was really worried about making friends. I’m not the kind of person who is good at socializing. Nevertheless, through these activities, we could know other participants roughly. We could also have some conversation with each other. That’s a good way to make us closer before we went abroad. During the pre-program activities, we could have not only chances to talk to other people, but also some common knowledge about what we’re going to do in the research. In addition, before we went to the U.S., we also had to do some assignments which helped us to realize this program much quicker. Via the assignments, we learned about some environmental issues and the teamwork among the group members. That’s one of important things I have learned from AUSL.

搖滾諾努客~ 讓我們一起吶喊 No Nukes 吧!! 

     As soon as we arrived at San Francisco airport, there are lots of people standing out of the custom. And there are some people who stood among the crowd are waiting for us. In fact, I was quite touched at that time. Because I had never experienced that someone is waiting for me when I got off the flight. It’s kind of amazing experience. I was nervous when I got on the bus which left for Stanford. It’s a big challenge for me, because I had never lived in the foreign dormitory and I had never stayed with people whom are not acquainted with over a month. Then, when we reached the dorm of Stanford, we all felt excited and curious about who was about to be our roommates. Later, as I saw my roommates, I was really glad to meet her. She’s pretty and vigorous. The first thing she did is giving me a bag of souvenir which is come from Japan. I was happy to receive the present from her. By the way, it’s at night while we arrived. I couldn’t sleep at the first day night. It could be the reason of jet lag. I don’t know. I just can’t get used to the new environment so quickly.


     The next day, we went out to have a tour of Stanford’s Y2E2 building. The building was constructed by the idea of caring the environment. They used several panels which could save the solar power energy and changed it into electricity as the roof materials. The students in Stanford helped us to find a professor and asked her to make some introduction for this building. Things I just wrote above are not the only thing she told us. She also pointed some area to show us the main idea about the designer of this building. Such as, they made a hole to set the glass on the ceiling so that they don’t have to turn on the light to brighten the indoor circumstances.

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在第二個星期的Free day,我們去了教堂做禮拜


外國的小孩都金髮碧眼像洋娃娃一樣,可愛極了!  真的很想帶一個回家照顧-
欸-  老大,萬一以後生了個金髮碧眼的小孩,大可不必花錢請褓姆,本人可以幫你照顧,而且還是for free! 只要你家小朋友叫我聲乾媽就好! 哈哈-  ㄕㄚ ㄇㄧˋ ㄕㄨˇ給你!~


這是在Gay street其中一家店看到的水晶球,很特別-  裡面的主角是同性別,回家應該找不到吧?! 總之- 很酷就是了~


猜猜- 這一坨坨肥滋滋的東西是甚麼?                                                                                                       答案是海豹
遠看還以為是一群會叫的海膽在甲板上曬太陽-     顏色真的像極了

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說真的! 一個月說長不長-  說短不短- 中間發生很多事,所以用看圖書說故事的方式好了!


到美國的第一個Free day,選擇到AT&T park看棒球
因為另一個選擇是去遊樂園坐雲霄飛車,you know! I'm chicken- 不想去那讓機器玩自己,所以就去看棒球
想說這樣亂照會不會無意間拍到老大想要的人!  但結果好像沒有吼! 哈


棒球看完後,許多海鷗在棒球場地周圍飛舞...    就因為這麼多的海鷗...


接著在第二個Free day的時候,我們同樣到這個地方,然後在我們身後的大斜坡,玩起滾草地的活動...
滾完的結果是... 我的手碰到了小狗的pupu,另外一個日本女生也沾到了一點...

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這個暑假說長不長... 很多想要做的事情都沒有做到-
不過,幸運的是,真的出國了!  這種事就好像簽彩券中頭獎一樣難得-
雖說中間陸陸續續發生很多事情,但最後依舊去成了! 很歡喜


或許很多人都覺得這不是個明智的選擇,不過,我不這麼覺得...   一時說不上來




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天阿!!!  實在很想砸電視

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01. 薑母鴨
02. 饅頭
03. 曼欣
04. mimi
05. 淞尹
06. 安筑
07. 瓶子
08. 大紅
09. 死阿輝
10. 捲毛

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Today we had the day trip, we went to "Oregon Coast". The beach was very big, but the weather was so cold that I didn't soak my foot. When we finished our lunch,we decided to bake the mashmallon. It tasted good and we baked lots of. And then we went shoppong. It's wonderful. Because I think this was our first time to have enough time to go shopping. We didn't have time limitation so we can go to many stores whatever we like.

When we were ready to go back, I saw a woman, she looked familiar. I couldn't remember who is she. Then we kept walking to the bus. On the bus, my friends and I discussed whether they came to my host house or not. And we had discussed this event for a long time, but we still didn't have vibration. When we got school and met Steve, we discussed it again. He said he should talked with my friends' host family to have arrangement. When he finished talking, he said "Everything is OK. Don't worried." And then we went to take the MAX. Then when Steve took us to get their house, my friends said "It's amaning." Because their house was hidden behind all of trees. They thought we went to the wrong road, but actually we went to the right road. The road seemed like it didn't have road ahead. It's a little scared them. Then we helped Steve to make the fire outside. It's interesting. Because we had never made a fire without adding charcoal. We just used the natural wood. Also, we helped Lisa take something to outside. Then Steve asked us to find out at least three sticks and we gave him. And then he took the hot dog thrust into the stisk...um...I don't know how to sat that. Although we were so surprised, we didn't say anything. Then, my friends asked them to take the picture with them and their house. They were glad to hear that. When we finished, we went into house and asked Lisa to teach us how to bake the cookie.

Finally, we baked two kinds of cookies. One was normal cookie, the other one was called "cookie no bake", jst like candy. We had to wait the cookie colder, and it's delicious. All chocolate flavor, it's good and very sweet. Then Steve took my friends home, and I went with him. When we got home, it's twelve-ten, very late, and I went to bed. A day the end.

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Today's English class,the teacher wanted us to interview some one who walked on the campus,and the teacher asked us to entitle by ourselves.And our title "Movie".We had to think some questions about movie.When we finished,we went out and started to find the interviewee.Everytime when we had to make the interview,I always expected the class coming soon.

Today's trip,we were going to "Multnomah Falls",it's really beautiful.Before you saw the pretty scenery,you had to climb a while.It's really tired.Because the road was too step to climb,and somebody gave up.It's regrettable,because they couldn't see the scenery.When we finished the trip.I went home with Steve and Jenny and Carrie.And then I asked them let me use the computer,it's my first time to use computer out of Taiwan.Because I didn't have Chinese keyboard and Chinese system.I didn't know what ti said on the web.I just guess the key,and then I took some message in English to let my friends in Taiwan to know my situation.

Finally,I found out the web where I put the picture,and also I introduced our family to let them know,what did my family look like.

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